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Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:29 am
by johnfekete1
WHERE does snowshoe rate if midatlantic does not include new york then i agree its number one. Never skiied ELK MOUNTAIN but pennsylvania not great on ski areas.
NOWWWWWW Whiteface, GORE AND HUNTER the big three all blow the crap out of snowshoe or anyhing in pennsylvania no disccusion there. I know hunter gets overun with yahoos on the weekend just go midweek.
Heres WHERE THE DILEMMA lies WINDHAM or Snowshoe nowwwww thats closeeeee. My brother luke likes palttekill he would like that better than snowshoe, but most folks would like snowshoe better. I dont think western new york does not compete.
I once called BRISTOL mountain 1200 vertical on the website they claim most vertical until the rockies. I called the mangement up i said you forgot snowshoe its west of BRISTOL they have 15oo vert cupp run.
They said is it continual vertical i said heck ya you need to change the website i cant beleive you didnt know snowshoe had 1500 NOOOOO RESPECT FOR THE SOUTH.
i NEED TO ski timberline one guy at wintergreen saw me skiing well and said you neeeeedddd to go to timberline.
Pennsylvania ski areas have been terrible last few years no snow closing early. DOPEY VAIL BUYS LIKE 3 AREAS IN PENN.