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Myrtle Beach TR

This is the spot to post your trail and trip reports. Please notify [email protected] when you do so that we can feature the better ones on the front of the website.
Posts: 4814
Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 3:50 pm

@Superorb 217405 wrote:We'll probably be doing Eldora for the 1st year since we're still noobs

I'd highly recommend something other than Eldora for an entire season.
Posts: 1456
Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:53 am

@KneeDeep 217440 wrote:I'd highly recommend something other than Eldora for an entire season.

What makes Eldora bad, and what would you recommend instead?
Posts: 4814
Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 3:50 pm

Not to hijack Afro's Myrtle Beach TR.....

Eldora is small, cold, windy, and rarely has good snow. Chances are, if you're living anywhere in the front range besides Boulder, you can get to Loveland just as fast as Eldora. Since it's your first year, I'd recommend getting a few four-packs (Loveland, Winter Park, Copper, Keystone/A-Basin, etc) and figure out where you like to ski. Shoot me a PM and I can give you more advice and answer more questions for you, if you'd like.
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