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Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:50 pm
by Droogie
My tour of the 300-400 foot berms around Columbus continued Sunday. I made the 1:50 drive down to Perfect North Slopes Indiana. With 400 feet of vertical this is the "biggest" place within 3.5 hours of Columbus. It is also further south and only gets like 18 inches of natural snow a year, but seems to make up for that with tons of snowmaking capacity. After 2-3 inches of warm rain earlier in the week it became quite cold and they had blasted the slopes with manmade and received 3-4 inches of natural snow the past two days before I arrived. Perfect North is WAAAAAAY better than Snow Trails or Clear Fork an hour from Columbus. There are several really fun runs with some good bump lines where you had to actually watch what you are doing. I would say they have 3 runs pretty much on par with the steep part of Mogul Ridge at Ober in terms of pitch and length, but two of them are gladed, adding some extra fun. I'll definitely come back here and may consider driving the extra 50 minutes and getting a once-a-week pass here next season over Snow Trails if they have a good spring pass sale.

The far side.

The run that is to the left of the chair is Deception. This was a really fun mogul run that had a lot of pitch following the fall line. This one was a ton of fun!

Another very fun glade with moguls called Showtime:

Another black glade called Hollywood.

It was a fun day trip and I'll go back. Somehow I have skied 14 days at 6 ski areas in 5 states so far this year.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:39 am
by RMacSki
really glad to see a TR from Perfect North. It's actually the closest slopes to Nashville for me but I've never heard good things about it. Some of those runs look fun...

How you would say the time on snow vs. time on lifts is compared to Cataloochee? I mean 400 ft of vertical just seems like a waste, but I could be totally wrong.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:18 am
I've been to perfect north a few times while visiting family. its not a bad mountain. how much further is cat from nashville?

It's Kindof like App but wider and not as good of parks.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:22 am
by Droogie
@RMacSki 286434 wrote:really glad to see a TR from Perfect North. It's actually the closest slopes to Nashville for me but I've never heard good things about it. Some of those runs look fun...

How you would say the time on snow vs. time on lifts is compared to Cataloochee? I mean 400 ft of vertical just seems like a waste, but I could be totally wrong.

If you have not been to Cloudmont, it is only 2.5 hours from Nashville. It wasn't ideal for me living in Birmingham 1:50 away, but was better than nothing.

Ober looks like it is 3.5 hours.

It does look like Perfect North is a bit closer for you. Overall, I would say Cat would be better for you, higher elevation, bigger vert,more natural snow. You would need to be motivated to do Perfect North as a day trip (that would be a LONG day) from where you are or an overnight trip with Cat equally far away. However, if you have friends in Cincy it would be worth checking out for a day on your way there or back.

The 'Red' chair is by far the best chair they have which gets you nearly all 400 feet of vertical pretty efficiently since there is not a super long run-out at the bottom or traversing at the top to get where you want to go. It would be about like getting off the midload at Ober, but instead of just Mogul Ridge, Grizzly, and Alpine Way to get down you have 6 ways down with 3 being as fun as Mogul Ridge in their own way and the other 3 more like Upper/Lower Bear.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:24 am
by Droogie
@THA HATTER 286440 wrote:I've been to perfect north a few times while visiting family. its not a bad mountain. how much further is cat from nashville?

It's Kindof like App but wider and not as good of parks.

I'm really not into parks, though Perfect North does have one it is not as good as apps. Overall, I would rather ski here than App. Perfect North has more challenge with the mogul runs and more runs in general.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:09 am
by RMacSki
Cloudmont... i said slopeS not slope. haha :)

There is no more than a 30 minute difference between Cat and Perfect North from Nashville. I wouldn't do it as a day trip, but have considered trying PN for variety. however unless I go this weekend, I've run out of weekends to go until March.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:17 am
'Run out of weekends?'........what, you on the Mayan calender or something?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:11 pm
by RMacSki
Places to go, people to see DOG

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:54 pm
by ohioskier
Droogie you went on a great day took my 4 year old day before she was one and done so i missed the fresh snow and let her tube. Great place for me as I am 45 minutes away. Good mountain has challenges for beginner. I went to cat first time skiing last year in comparison they have longer runs but perfect is great for midwest hill. Overall they do a great job and have some good runs. Shorter than cat but fun. There is never a line more than 5 minutes at bottom. Far side and back stage are both decent runs if you want some distance. If white chair is open you can catch that up and ski back to save some time as well if red lift has line. White never has line and ends about 100 yards further.

Btw Perfect is home mountain to current x games slope style ski champion. Not bad for growing up on 400 ft vert.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:41 am
by swamphox
I still want to hit this place up one day...