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Massanutten’s still making the most of March

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:22 am
Ah nice article David. Thank you! Looks like you found some pretty sweet late season conditions, and hey, The Nut is going for one more weekend, good for them! I'm going to try to make it up there and use it for my Mt Hood conditioning trip! Funny you should mention mantels. I have some rough sawn 12x12 oak beams I intend to make mantels from for both a friend's beach cottage and upgrade to our condo at The Shoe! Speaking of The Shoe, we had a GREAT day yesterday, including packed powder on Upper Shay's, as well as took in a few hero's at the Pond Skim event, capped off by Snowshoe's season-end thank you party for Pass holder's featuring free wings and $1 beers drowned out by some awful youth-inspired music. Now, if only The Shoe, could go the way of The Nut, and add a weekend or two, there is enough Snow for forever...