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*BEWARE of Sugar Mountain Price Gouging*

This is the spot to post your trail and trip reports. Please notify [email protected] when you do so that we can feature the better ones on the front of the website.
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They have a monopoly in that they are located closer than Snowshoe to a majority of the Southeast - Atlanta especially. They have more terrain and easier access to the mountain than nearby resorts, which caters to church groups, etc. These facts do allow them to charge a little more than other resorts for tickets. My argument is - Tell me what I will pay before I show up. If I check the website on Friday and it advertises a price that will be good during Sugarfest and I show up the next day during Sugarfest and it has doubled, I am not happy. If I hadn't been with a large group that was excited to ski, I would have bee-lined to Beech.
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They tried this same stuff with student rates last year when they didnt have a disclaimer about when student rates were available. We showed up to ride and expected to pay the advertised student rates and then were told they were only valid during certain times that were not designated. Same situation ensued in the office and the website was edited the next week.
War Skigle
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The best thing in this situation to do would have instead of paying for the lift ticket anyway told them thanks, but no thanks I am going to Beech. If everyone in line had done that Sugar would have got the message. Sugar is probably my favorite ski area in NC as far as terrain goes, but with pricing that is almost equal to out west is stupid.

What they did is not a great way to build a client base. You attract more flies with honey...
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@KneeDeep 197367 wrote:You should just go to CB, its better there. ;)

In all honesty though, send Sugar an email through their website, explaining your situation and being polite and thorough. You never know, they may reward you with a lift ticket or some kind of coupon.

Bwwaaaahaa haaaa haaaa Azucar reward or coupon!!!!! KD you have been away from SE skiing too long. Azucar would probably send a bill in return.
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If I ever have this problem of advertising one thing then getting charged another .... well I boycott

About 10 11 years ago Beech and Burger King had half price ticket coupons

well I stopped at eery Burger King from Greeneville to Elizabethton and NO coupons ... well I didn't go back to BK until about 2 years ago. It didn't solve anything, but it made me feel good.
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I still don't understand so many people think it's so wrong for prices in the east to be the same as resorts out west...

You take a week of vacation, buy a flight to destination, rent a car, book a room, then pay for a lifty to ski out west. So in all actuality sugar is a hell of alot cheaper for someone in NC to ski, than it is to ski out west.

That may not make any sense at all, but I'm tired of everyone complaining about prices. Either ski or don't ski...
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@k2josh 197428 wrote:I still don't understand so many people think it's so wrong for prices in the east to be the same as resorts out west...

You take a week of vacation, buy a flight to destination, rent a car, book a room, then pay for a lifty to ski out west. So in all actuality sugar is a hell of alot cheaper for someone in NC to ski, than it is to ski out west.

That may not make any sense at all, but I'm tired of everyone complaining about prices. Either ski or don't ski...

The reason so many people find it to be wrong is that the resorts in the east (and especially the southeast) have a fraction of the terrain, facilities, conditions and overhead of the western resorts. While it is true that it will cost you more to go to a western resort, that fact has no bearing on how ticket prices are set.
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The issue isn't really with the price of the tickets but the way in which they go advertising prices then changing them at the last minute. Someone will get pissed off and file a lawsuit eventually for false advertisement or unfair business practices. People are lawsuit crazy these days.
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Sugar has a pretty cornered it or leave it. Complain about the quality, customer service, but please quit complaining about the price!

P.S. my statements in this thread are my sentiments towards all of the Sugar threads, not just this false advertisement one...
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@SkiCrestedButteGuy 197388 wrote:They have a monopoly in that they are located closer than Snowshoe to a majority of the Southeast - Atlanta especially. They have more terrain and easier access to the mountain than nearby resorts, which caters to church groups, etc. These facts do allow them to charge a little more than other resorts for tickets. My argument is - Tell me what I will pay before I show up. If I check the website on Friday and it advertises a price that will be good during Sugarfest and I show up the next day during Sugarfest and it has doubled, I am not happy. If I hadn't been with a large group that was excited to ski, I would have bee-lined to Beech.

Monopoly? You've got to be kidding. Sugar sucks, but monopoly? that's ridiculous.
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