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Snowshoe detour: A mini Wintergreen TR

This is the spot to post your trail and trip reports. Please notify [email protected] when you do so that we can feature the better ones on the front of the website.
skiing rules
Posts: 2050
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:45 pm

@SteepNdeep 210976 wrote:I can do mostly the same, 1's 3's and some switch off rails.. but I hate the whole culture and attitude that goes along with the park, people just sit there judging you. If I had my way I would ski big mountain everytime out, but unfortunatley since I live in Southeast its kind of hard to make that dream a reality. That is why I love big mountain type skiing so much.

definitely agree. Im not a fan of the park scene at all. skiing the mountain is a lot more fun imo
Posts: 1164
Joined: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:34 pm

you don't have to be a fan of the "scene" to ride fact, i would encourage you not to be (b/c generally speaking, its incredibly lame around here). but there is no way that should stop you from riding in the park!!! especially around here, park really gives me an outlet to continue to challenge myself and learn new things every time i step on the mountain and i LOVE it and couldn't care less if im surrounded by judgmental 16 year olds (plus generally speaking i rip harder than all those fools anyway haha!). there's nothing like big all mountain riding, but the fact is the southeast/mid atlantic gets a little repetitive after a while when just riding the standard trails. i jump/duck ropes, find trees, bonk features, drop every rock i spot, etc. to keep things fresh at beech, but i still want to ride a good amount of park every session b/c i know that i'm gonna be able to actually push myself to do new things and become a better ALL AROUND snowboarder. long story short, i ride park b/c it's fun and challenging and freaking awesome and i find myself wanting to spend more and more time there every session.
skiing rules
Posts: 2050
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:45 pm

I know what you mean. I have the exact same mindset. I have been interested in park every year up until this year, and for some reason the park just lost a lot of its appeal. Its nothing to do with not challenging myself or anything like that, I just get more enjoyment out of riding elsewhere. that doesnt mean I don't go into the park at all bcause I do. I pretty much started taking skiing not as seriously and when i ski in nc theres not quite as much emphasis on really going hard, more just kinda kicking back and goofing. To compare skiing to golf, I see nc skiing as fooling around at the driving range and/or off roading in the golf cart; and out west or anywhere with good terrain and deep snow its like playing the augusta national. And next year I'll be playing the augusta national and its sidecountry everyday, so this year in nc is pretty inconsequential.
Posts: 1916
Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:15 pm

@SteepNdeep 210976 wrote:I can do mostly the same, 1's 3's and some switch off rails.. but I hate the whole culture and attitude that goes along with the park, people just sit there judging you. If I had my way I would ski big mountain everytime out, but unfortunatley since I live in Southeast its kind of hard to make that dream a reality. That is why I love big mountain type skiing so much.

I miss the way park skiing was before around 2004ish. There were only a few people with twins, and when you saw someone else with them, it didnt matter that they were good at park, and everyone was just excited to be out there having fun hitting some crappy rails. Now it's all about people dressing up in tall tees, people are way too serious, and I think park skiing lost a lot of its soul.

I've skied maybe 2 days in the park this year, mostly due to good conditions and the places i've been didnt have good parks. I used to be fairly decent at park, 270, sw 270, switch ups 270 off many ways, 5s. I've just had no desire really, to get back into it this year. Maybe Im just getting old.
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