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Wintergreen 12/24/10 Day

This is the spot to post your trail and trip reports. Please notify [email protected] when you do so that we can feature the better ones on the front of the website.
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Update: Videos now posted below

Went to Wintergreen yesterday, everything was open except for Turkey Chute which they were blowing heavily on. Pretty windy all day long which made it colder than it should have been. The only place I ever really saw a line was at the Dobie lift. Highlands and Eagle lifts might have had 1-2 people in front of you but for the most part was ski right up and get on.

So we lapped the Highlands most of the day, Upper Highlands were great, snow was a little chunky but not much ice early on for the upper part other than where it flattens out in spots. Later in the afternoon it seemed like there was a little more ice but I think it's somewhat related to the pizza crowd feeling more confident and moving over there after lunch. Lower Highlands was blowing on and off all day but I think they needed to to keep conditions right. Lower Cliffhanger was a mess in the morning, very icy but the guns had it in good shape by the afternoon.

Only had a few runs at the Eagle/Acorn/Tyro area. Tyro and Sunrise were average, top of Eagle Swoop was ICE. Big Acorn was awesome- no bumps, no ice, freshly groomed = short fast run straight to the bottom.

I know there are some people planning to hit up WTG the next few days so this was my half assed report for those guys. I'll post some vid later on, it won't be nearly as bad as the garbage that came out of the Massanutten trip.
:D :) ;) :( :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:
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Dude, get a camera. jk
"You mean there is Two of them??"
"it's about 10 very heavy inches. I can drive it but it sure will be slow"
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I was there too from noon until 7pm and lapped the Highlands until they closed, and agree with your comments. The conditions were good except for some icy locations especially at the top part of Eagle's Swoope. No lines at the Highlands. The Sunrise Glades were open however the top part was fairly rutted out.

Parking was bad for the number of people on the slopes as WG is tight with opening some of closer lots until everything else is full.

Skied like a person that is going to Vail in 2 weeks, which is fairly conservative but many reps to build strength and endurance.
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Thanks for the info! Hopefully will make it up Mon/Tues... might 'earn' a few turns at the inlaws tomorrow...
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So I won't always just post unedited videos, I'm only really doing this for the VA resorts that don't seem to get as much attention from the NC/SC/GA people on the board. I'll even start to take pictures when I finally decide to learn how to use my camera for that. Turn on some music, and without further delay:

Big Acorn

Upper and Lower Wild Turkey

Outer Limits to Lower Wild Turkey

Upper and Lower Cliffhanger

Upper Tyro (0:00) to Tequila (0:37) to Lower Sunrise (0:49)

I have a few more but probably won't upload them, uploads take forever with my internet connection plus these should be a pretty good idea of the more advanced terrain at Wintergreen for those who haven't been there. The park was nice too, I thought I had a flyby video of it from the lift but when I got home it turns out I didn't so I got nothing for you there.
:D :) ;) :( :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:
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